New layout!

Saturday 30 September 2017

I thought it was time to put up a new layout... I wasn't exactly happy with the last one and this isn't a designs blog but I like to have a nice banner.

I have been watching the DC TV shows lately, I went through a few ideas before I settled on his one.

Hope you like it and enjoy your time on this blog!

Emz x


Movies & TV Shows to Review in October [Emz]

There are a number of films and TV shows that interest me that are being released next month, (from Sunday onwards)

I will only post so many though but llok out for any reviews that are new and not included in this list (and not already being posted)

1. American Assassin

So I actually saw this film on Wednesday and really enjoyed it. Only problem is i'm not sure if I will get a review up before Sunday. 

For those of you who have not heard of it here is the plot.

When Cold War veteran Stan Hurley takes CIA black ops recruit Mitch Rapp under his wing, they receive an assignment to investigate a wave of random attacks on both military and civilian targets. After discovering a pattern of violence, Hurley and Rapp join forces with a lethal Turkish agent to stop a mysterious operative who wants to start a global war.
I will be sure to post the review as soon as I can. 

2. The Gifted

Now I am very intrigued by this series, but I may struggle to watch it as I don't have the right channel at home. I'm sure i'll find a way though 

Any way here is the plot:
Marvel expands its footprint on the television landscape with this new family adventure series about an ordinary suburban family whose lives change course forever when they discover their children have developed mutant powers. When the threat of a hostile government forces the family to go on the run to protect themselves, they join the ranks of an underground network of mutants. Together, the group fight to survive in a world where fear and misunderstanding put them at constant risk.
The show sounds really good, i'm just hoping  get to watch it. It airs on Fox (UK) on the 8th October 2017.

3. Supergirl Season 3, The Flash Season 4, Arrow Season 6 & Legends Of Tomorrow Season 3

Now bear with me, some of these shows I have a lot of catching up to do. I have to watch Season 3 of The Flash, complete Season 2 of Supergirl and well... watch almost all the current seasons of Arrow.. oops?

It is possible I will be able to review an episode here and there. possibly more than likely it will be Legends Of Tomorrow first.

Each of these shows will premiere their new seasons between the 16th and the 19th October 2017 on Sky 1.

 4. The Shannara Chronicles Season 2

So I must catch up with this series, I haven't watched the whole of the first season. What I have watched I enjoyed. 

Here is the plot from the first season:
The Shannara Chronicles roughly follows the storylines set out in The Elfstones of Shannara, set in the fictional Four Lands. As the series opens, demons start to return after being banished from this world to a place known as the Forbidding—locked by an ancient tree called the Ellcrys. The series chronicles the journey of Wil, Amberle and Eretria who, with the guidance of the last druid Allanon, must go on a quest to protect the Ellcrys from dying and releasing all the banished demons back into the Four Lands.

So it seems that we lost Amberlie at the end of Season 1, so Season 2 seems to be a little different.

Season 2 also airs on a different channel in America. Season 1 aired on MTV and Season 2 will air on Spike.

Season 2 will air on 5Star on the 17th October 2017.

5. Thor Ragnarok

I'm really looking forward to this film. It's been a good number of years since The Dark World, so it's about time we got another sequel after all the Avengers movies and Captain America Civil War (which didn't feature Thor or the Hulk.)

Here is the plot:
Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk, his former ally and fellow Avenger. Thor's quest for survival leads him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilization.

Think looks really good and funny. So I look forward to seeing this when I it released on October 24th 2017.

Thats all for now. I will post again when I can think of more.

Till then

Emz x


TV Review: 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 3 "Cassandra Complex" [Emz]

Thursday 28 September 2017

So here we are with episode 3, The Cassandra Complex. This episode takes Cole to Haiti in the search for the night room.

Here is the plot:
Cole is led to Haiti in 2014, where a dangerous outbreak proved to be a devastating moment in Dr. Railly's life.


It's interesting to see how this story is developing. Cole is travelling into the past and is changing the way things are happening in the future. He's also meeting people when he knows who the are but they don't know who he is. 

In this episode he has to go one year into the past before he re-meets Cassandra. He is there to see someone else and he has to avoid Cassandra. When he shows up again in 2015 he has more secrets than when he went into 2014.

We also get a little insight into Cole's past in the future and t's quite clear it's not exactly a good one.

I am intrigued with the pace of the story and am looking forward to watching more.

Next up is Episode 4 "Atari."

Till then

Emz x


TV Review: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 3 "The Unquiet Dead"

Wednesday 27 September 2017

So this is the third episode of Christopher Eccleston's only series as the Doctor. The episode aired on 9th April 2005. It was written by Mark Gatiss.

Here is the plot:
The Doctor takes Rose back through time to 1869. In Victorian Cardiff the dead are walking and creatures made of gas are on the loose.


This was an interesting episode. It's also quite funny as it reminds me of a quote from series 4, but that something for another day.

So in this episode we have 'The Gelth' a ghost like being, that seems to want help going back to it's homeworld. Of course there is always a catch. 

It must have been a weird one to film... a parent dead bodies suddenly up and walking. We also first meet Eve Myles as Gwenyth (she later goes on to play Gwen in Torchwood) 

It was also great as we meet famous faces in the past. In this case we meet Charles Dickens, who ends up helping out in this episode.

I really liked this episode.. with it being set in the past , plus we witness firsthand for the first time this series, the Doctor landing the TARDIS in the wrong place and wrong time. instead of Naples 1860 it's Cardiff 1869. 

So next up for me to review is the 2-part story (episodes 4 & 5) Aliens of London/ World War 3.

Till then

Emz x


TV Review: Timeless Season 1 Episode 4 "Party at Castle Varlar" [Emz]

Tuesday 26 September 2017

So here we are episode 4, Party at Castle Varlar. This one is a little further forward in time, I belive it's set in the 1940's

Here is the plot:
Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus find themselves in Germany in the midst of World War II, where they must race to stop Flynn and end his psychotic crusade; the team meets one of literature's most popular figures.


So the whole plot at the beginning of this episode is to stop Flynn using the atom bomb. So Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus follow Flynn to Nazi Germany in 1944. We even have Ian Fleming (not the real one) helping them out on this mission, even though he really doesn't know why they are really there. 

I really enjoyed this episode, from the jokes from Ian Fleming saying how much they stood out. I enjoyed that fat that they always seem to head back in time thinking Flynn has one thing in mind and then ends up realising that actually, that's not quite what he has in mind.

I enjoyed all the undercover parts including Ian portraying a Nazi General/ Captain (I forgot...oops!)  and found it funny how their adventures create a brand new James Bond story (Ian Fleming created James Bond.... if you didn't already know that)

So next up in my Timeless reviews is episode 5 "The Alamo."

Till the next post

Emz x


TV Review: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 2 "The End Of The World" [Emz]

Monday 25 September 2017

Here we go again. Episode 2 The End Of The World. The Episode was originally released  on 2nd April 2005.

I can't help myself when it comes to Doctor Who.

Here is the Plot for Episode 2:
The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion.


So this was Rose's first voyage in the TARDIS. I liked the way The Doctor gave Rose the chance to pick where to go and each time he tried to sound impressive she just laughed at him.

So the year five billion, witnessing the end of the Earth on Platform One. This is where we first meet the Face of Boe and Cassandra - the last human or as Rose likes to call her a Bitchy Trampoline. It was great that they put the emotion of Rose in there looking down of the earth knowing that even though no one was living there any more, that's where she came from and she thought about all the people who had lived there. Of course this is where the phrase "Jiggery Pokery" came about in Doctor Who and the first use of reversing Teleportation (we see this again in "Boom Town.")

The way the audience is led to believe for a split second that we have found the culprit behind the sabotage until we are informed that they were planted by the real culprit. I felt like I was wattching a Alien crime drama, which is quite cool.

I never get tired of watching Doctor Who.

I will review episode 3 soon.

Till next time 

Emz x


Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle [Emz]

So I went to see this film at the weekend. This is the sequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service.

This film Stars: Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Jullianne Moore, Channing Tatum, Halle Berry, Mark Strong and Jeff Bridges

Here is the story Synopsis:

With their headquarters destroyed and the world held hostage, members of Kingsman find new allies when they discover a spy organization in the United States known as Statesman. In an adventure that tests their strength and wits, the elite secret agents from both sides of the pond band together to battle a ruthless enemy and save the day, something that's becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy.


I really enjoyed this film, there were certain parts which were a bit unexpected for the lack of a better word. I liked the way we meet Statesman but we were also reintroduced to old characters, whether they be good or bad.

There were a few sad moments in the film, which came as a surprise. I was slightly disappointed that a certain character was killed off and that Channing Tatum's Character didn't have an awful lot of screen-time although he had more screen-time than action-time. I did like the way all the Statesman were named after alcoholic drinks (Tequlia, Whiskey, Ginger Ale) like the way the Kingsman are named after King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (Galahad, Lancelot, Merlin)

I also enjoyed the completely bonkers scenes from Elton John.

I really feel like watching the first one again now.

Till next time

Emz x


The 10 Hottest DVD Pre-Orders Still to Come in 2017!

Sunday 24 September 2017

Some titles include: Cars 3, Bates Motel, The Mummy
Who knew that 2017 still had so many DVDs still left to be released? Okay, we have a confession, we did! Here's our top ten list of all the DVDs still to be released, we've ranked them in order of anticipation! So, if you're sitting comfortably, lets begin...

1. Doctor Foster - Series 1 & 2 [OUR HOTTEST PICK]

Over the last few weeks BBC's Tuesday-night drama has had the whole of the United Kingdom hooked. We've all been asking our selves, what will Gemma do? Will Simon ever get his just-desserts? Well.. it won't be long til the nation finds out and then surely you'll be wanting to run out and grab the box set? Well... here's your chance! The official release states:

Doctor Gemma Foster is a talented and respected family doctor, trusted by her community. She’s also a loving mother and wife – but her life is about to implode. Suspecting her husband of having an affair, she’s determined to get to the truth and have her revenge. How far is she prepared to go? And what other betrayals might she uncover? Gemma finds herself behaving in ways she could never have imagined. In trying to regain control, could she end up losing everything she loves?
 Doctor Foster Series 1 & 2 Box Set is due to be released on 9th October 2017 in all good entertainment stockists.

2. Game of Thrones - Season 7

It was the season we'd all be waiting for... and boy did it come! Re-live season seven of the most-highly-anticipated and watched programme in the world right now. The official release states:

Based on the bestselling fantasy book series by George R.R. Martin, the hit fantasy series chronicles an epic struggle for power in a vast and violent kingdom. As the season begins, Daenerys Targaryen, accompanied by her Unsullied army and emboldened by Dothraki/Ironborn allies and her lethal trio of dragons, has finally set sail for Westeros with Tyrion Lannister, her newly appointed Hand. Jon Snow, memorably reanimated in S6, has apparently consolidated power in the North after his spectacular conquest of Ramsay Bolton in the “Battle of the Bastards” and the return of Winterfell to Stark control. In King’s Landing, Cersei Lannister, bereft of any surviving heirs, has successfully seized the Iron Throne by using wildfire to incinerate the High Sparrow and other foes in the Sept of Baelor. But as these and other factions drive inexorably towards new alliances or (more likely) violent conflicts, the cold specter of another, apocalyptic threat – in the form of an army of undead White Walkers expected to breach The Wall and invade the South – threatens to undermine the status quo and obliterate the outcome of these smaller, alltoo-human rivalries.
Take back winter and purchase the whole of Season 7 on DVD on 11th December 2017 in all good entertainment stockists.

3. Spider-Man Homecoming

Spidey's back in the hottest re-boot of a franchise in 2017! This time around, Tom Holland picks up the spidey senses as he takes us on his missions. The official release states:

A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland), who made his sensational debut in Captain American: Civil War, begins to naviagate his newfound identity as the web-slinging super hero in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.). Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine - distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man - but when the Vulture (Michael Keaton) emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened.

Has your spidey senses managed to tell you when this beauty will be out? No? Let us! Sling your web and catch the DVD on 20th November 2017 in all good entertainment stockists!

4. Wentworth Prison - Series 1 - 5

It's the prison series that's been hailed as better than Orange is the New Black! Yes! This Australian reboot of 70s hit classic, Prisoner Cell Block H has just concluded it's fifth series and what a thrill it was! Even if you did need a stiff drink after watching it! The box set is due to be released on 2nd October 2017 in all good entertainment stockists.

5. The Mummy (2017)

Tom Cruise stars in this spectacular version of the legend that has fascinated cultures all over the world since the dawn of civilization: The Mummy. Thought safely entombed deep beneath the desert, an ancient princess (Sofia Boutella) whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day. Her malevolence has grown over millennia and with it come terrors that defy human comprehension. From the sands of the Middle East through modern-day London, The Mummy balances wonder, thrills, and imagination.

The Mummy is due to rise from the dead and hit shelves in all good entertainment stockists on 23rd October 2017!

6. Cars 3

Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) is suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back in the game, he will need the help of an eager young race technician, Cruz Ramirez (voice of Cristela Alonzo), with her own plan to win, plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet and a few unexpected turns. Proving that #95 isn’t through yet will test the heart of a champion on Piston Cup Racing’s biggest stage!

Cars 3 is getting ready to speed in to all good entertainment stockists on 13th November 2017!

 7. Bates Motel -  Series 1-5

It's the drama that's been adored by millions all over the world and now you can own every single episode! Join Norman Bates on this terrifying and sometimes creepy tale. Bates Motel the complete collection is due to find it's way to all entertainment stockists on 16th October 2017!

8. Mrs Brown's Boys Really Big Box

The complete first three series, plus the eleven Christmas specials, and the Live episode of the Dublin-set sitcom depicting the life and times of Mrs Agnes Brown (played by writer/creator Brendan O'Carroll), mother of a feckless bunch of grown-up children, who rules her tastefully-wallpapered realm with a rod of iron. 
She's adored by man and now you can have every feckin' episode ever of the comedy voted Best in the Century! This bundle of comedic-genius will hit shelves on 13th November 2017!

9. Legion - Series 1 

Based on the Marvel comics and featuring a powerful, all-star cast — including DAN STEVENS, AUBREY PLAZA, JEAN SMART and RACHEL KELLER — LEGION follows the story of David Haller (STEVENS), a troubled young man who may be more than human.
Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of mental hospitals for years. But after a startling encounter with a new patient (KELLER), he must confront the shocking possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real. With the help of a psychiatric therapist (SMART) and her unconventional methods, David embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery that leads to a new world of possibilities...and a new level of unexpected danger.
Legion is hitting shelves on 2nd October 2017 in all good entertainment stockists!

10. Fast & Furious - 8 Film Collection 

Buckle up for nonstop action and mind-blowing speed in the high-octane Fast & Furious 8-Movie Collection. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez and an all-star cast put pedal to the metal in pursuit of justice and survival as they race from L.A. to Tokyo, Rio to London, and Cuba to New York City. Packed with full-throttle action and jaw-dropping stunts, these eight turbo-charged thrill rides place you behind the wheel of the most explosive film franchise in history!
So be prepared to buckle up as soon you'll be able to watch every single fast and furious there's ever been! This collection is due to zoom into all good entertainment stockists on 16th October 2017!


TV Review: Beyond Season 1 Premiere "Pilot" [Emz]

Saturday 23 September 2017

So I have just started watching this show. I kept seeing it advertised when following Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments.

Here is the Premise for the first episode:
Holden Matthews miraculously wakes up from a devastating coma to the wonderment of his parents Tom and Diane and younger brother Luke. But the world has changed since Holden went to sleep, and he now has to navigate being an adult when all he remembers is being a child. At the same time, Holden is experiencing abilities and memories he can't explain, and a mysterious woman named Willa warns him not to trust those around him. When a sinister stranger attacks Holden and claims he knows about his new powers, Holden is faced with uncovering just what happened to him while he was in a coma.


Well this was certainly different. Its still sci-fi and fantasy but at least it's not time travel or people would think I was obsessed. 

Anyway, I quite liked this. The fact that he is trying to catch up with what he has missed whilst he was in a coma, but not knowing why everyone seems to be out to get him. It's a little different from your usual coma stories. 

After being given a message on not being able to trust anyone and then a stranger saves him, but doesn't remember them. That makes for an interesting story-line. Having amnesia from a coma is one thing but in this case having amnesia from what happened while he was in the coma is very different.

I look forward to seeing whats to come.

Till next time

Emz x


Movie Review: Tomorrowland [Emz]

Friday 22 September 2017

I really like this film. But it took me a while to see the very end, I had to leave the cinema before the end as I had made other plans and they overlapped each other.

This has that Disney vibe to it (which is just as well as its made by Disney) 

The film stars George Clooney, Britt Robertson and Hugh Laurie.

Here is the Premise:

A former boy genius (George Clooney) and gifted teenager (Britt Robertson) set out on a dangerous mission to unearth the secrets of "Tomorrowland", an enigmatic location caught between time and space.


I loved this film. Once i got to see the film to the very end it all tied together. The way they created another world and we get a glimpse of what it looks like before things get a lot worse.

It was strange seeing George Clooney in this film but I liked the character and the way we first meet him when he was younger. Also the way we meet Britt's character. Both characters are very creative and inventive.

I liked the concept of giving the kids a taster of Tomorrowland before they go. We see this with Casey (Britt Robertson) it's very  funny to watch though as she ends up in a huge lake.

This a film for many ages groups and is definitely one to watch.

That's all for now.

Till next time

Emz x


TV Review: Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 1 "Rose" [Emz]

Thursday 21 September 2017

Being a big Doctor Who fan i'm surprised it's taken me this long to review anything Doctor who related.

This is the episode that started it all for me, prior to this I was either too young (1998 movie) or wasn't born (classic series.)

The episode first premiered on BBC One on the 26th March 2005.

Here is the Premise to the episode: 
When Rose Tyler meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, her life will never be the same again. Soon she realises that the whole of planet Earth is in danger.


As I stated above this is the episode that got me hooked on Doctor Who. I was 14 years old when it was first released... 

The way we meet Rose before the Doctor feels like we are seeing things from her point of view, also as a new viewer you are going through the motions with her, like who is this man and what is he doing.

The whole living plastic/ nestine consciousness thing was quite cool. Special effects were still developing in 2004/ 2005 but it was still effective. 

Anyway thats all for now.

Till next time

Emz x


TV Review: 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 2: "Mentally Divergent" [Emz]

Wednesday 20 September 2017

So this is the second episode of the first season of 12 Monkeys. I may only be 2 episodes in but i'm enjoying taking my time with this show. 

Here is the Premise:
A patient in a mental institution may hold the key to the plague that destroys the world; Dr. Railly risks her life to help Cole, despite the risk to history.


This episode introduces more characters and how they play a part in the Virus being released/ being created. I liked the way that Cole is meant to be transported back to 2015 again but they get the coordinates wrong and he ends up in North Korea in 2006 (reminds me a little of Doctor Who.) Also the way all the new characters are introduced is brilliant as some of them pop up with no name or background story and yoou are left wondering who the person is.

I really look forward to continuing with this show.

I will review Episode 3 "Cassandra Complex" soon.

Till next time 

Emz x


TV Review: Timeless Season 1 Episode 3 "Atomic City" [Emz]

Tuesday 19 September 2017

So I have finally seen episode 3! This episode is called Atomic City and is based a year before JFK's assassination, 1962.

Here is the Premise for this episode:
Flynn and the team are on the run with the era's most infamous mistress in 1962 Las Vegas; Rufus meets an old mentor who may have dark motives; Lucy's personal life starts to crumble; Wyatt tries to change history.


I enjoyed the twists in this episode. They travel back in time after Flynn expecting to be trying to stop JFK's assassination a year early. But the story of course takes a twist. I really enjoy the way the story keeps going through different years in the past and each time at least keep coming up against different issues or perhaps its a good thing. With Lucy wearing a very skimpy waitress outfit and getting leered at by other men and Rufus being invisible due to the colour of his skin.

I will hopefully review episode 4 "Party at Castle Varlar" soon.

Till next time

Emz x


TV Review: Strike: The Silkworm [Emz]

Monday 18 September 2017

So these two episodes are based on the second book by Robert Galbraith (pseudonym for J.K. Rowling.) The Silkworm.

Here is the Premise for this story:
Strike is approached by Leonora Quine with a plea to locate her husband, the notorious writer Owen Quine, who has disappeared without a trace.


I enjoyed this story. The way it started of as a simple missing persons, but ended up as a murder was a little different. I really liked the characters and the way the story takes a twist. 

We also find out a little more about our main characters Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellicott as the story progresses onscreen.

I haven't read the books but in my opinion the idea of the story is portrayed well on screen. I think Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger portray their characters well.

I look forward to seeing Career of Evil in the new year. i would read the books but I have far too many books to go through at the moment.

Thats all for now

Till next time

Emz x


TV Review: 12 Monkeys Series Premiere: "Splinter" [Emz]

Saturday 16 September 2017

So I just watched the very first episode on Netflix. I'm not sure what I expected but it was certainly different to what I had in mind.

For those of you who haven't seen is here is the series premise:
 A man from the post-apocalyptic future, Cole uses a dangerous, untested method of time travel to get from 2043 to the present day. He is on a mission to locate and rid the world of the source of the plague that will eventually annihilate the human race. Assisting him is Dr. Cassandra Railly, a virologist who must decide whether to do harm in order to save the world -- regardless of the fact that she has taken the Hippocratic oath. The sci-fi series is based on Terry Gilliam's 1995 film, which starred Bruce Willis as Cole.


So, I haven't seen the original movie that this series is based on, but this episode was completely Sci-fi all the way through. I loved the way the characters connected with past, present and future, from comments thrown out there to thing we and the characters are yet to explore to the way time travel affects them.

The title of the episode refers to the type of time travel depicted in this series.

Amanda Schull who plays Dr. Cassandra Railly, is not stranger to playing complicated characters as she played Sara Evans / Katie Ryan in One Tree Hill and for those of you who have watched the series well she is definitely not a wallflower of a character.

There are currently 2 seasons on Netflix, with the third season hopefully coming soon after ending in the US in May.

I will review episode 2 soon.

Till Then

Emz x


Ella enchanted (Zee Tay Post)

Film: Ella enchanted
Year: 2004
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Jim Carter, Hugh Dancy,  Minnie Driver, Aidan McArdle, Parminder Nagra,
Plot: Anne Hathaway From the princess Diaries, is Ella in the charming fairytale adventure of Ella enchanted. At birth Ella's fairy godmother gave her the gift of obedience. Which is a curse as Ella has to do what ever she been asked to do even if it bad. So she chose to set of to return then gift. This simple task turns into an amazing adventure filled with ogres, giant, wicked stepsister and the handsome princes evil uncle.


Ella enchanted is a fill good movie that all the family can sit down and enjoy. There are places where you can tell that they CGI as they are not amazing, but in all fairness for a 2004 film where some CGI techniques was still new. So I guess for that year it was about average.

The overall story line was lovely about understanding how lucky we are to be able to choose in what wrong and right as there are some people in the world who not as free in doing what they want to do.

It about listening to your heart, as there are times where your heart might say something stupid but in reality you know in your mind that your heart is right.

Overall I give this film a 4/5 stars.


DVD review: Now You See Me [Emz]

Friday 15 September 2017

So I have had this film on DVD for a while, but I love this film.

The way these magicians/ illusionists are rounded up y an unknown source and all the twists and turns that keep misleading you until the final reveal.

Here is the premise:
Charismatic magician Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg) leads a team of talented illusionists called the Four Horsemen. Atlas and his comrades mesmerize audiences with a pair of amazing magic shows that drain the bank accounts of the corrupt and funnel the money to audience members. A federal agent (Mark Ruffalo) and an Interpol detective (MĂ©lanie Laurent) intend to rein in the Horsemen before their next caper, and they turn to Thaddeus (Morgan Freeman), a famous debunker, for help.


I loved this film and the cast. We had Isla Fisher, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman.

So we have the four Horseman. All the twists and tricks they pull off, keeps leaving you guessing. Jsust when you think they have been caught, something happens and they slip away. 

From simple tricks and illusions, to robbing a bank, faking death and then the big reveal that someone isn't who you though they were was brilliant.

I would happily watch this film and it's sequel over and over again.

Till next time

Emz x


DVD Review: Hidden Figures [Emz]

Wednesday 13 September 2017

So I first saw this film at the cinema and I absolutely loved it. I now have it on DVD and thought I would review the film.

Here is the premise:
Three brilliant African-American women at NASA -- Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle MonĂ¡e) -- serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn (Glen Powell) into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race and galvanized the world.


I loved this film. With it being based of a true story and set in a time where you were segregated because of your skin colour. In other words Racism was the norm. These three women were brilliant in their own way and all of them has skills that could equal or outsmart the men at NASA. They fought hard to get what they deserved and it was moving to see all the struggles they went through to get there.

I would recommend this film to anyone. 

That's it for now

Till next time

Emz x


TV Reviews: Timeless Season 1 Episode 2 "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" [Emz]

Monday 11 September 2017

So I have just watched the second episode of Season 1. The title is "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln." So this mean they have travelled back in time to the end of the Civil War.

The bad guy of this series is called Garcia Flynn and is intent on changing American History. So that is why they have to follow him back in time to stop that from happening.

Here is the premise: 
Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus track Garcia Flynn to the night of Lincoln's assassination, where he has joined up with John Wilkes Booth; the team debates whether they should alter history.


So, this episode was really good. Both episodes sof ar have dealt with the theme of slavery, this time it is the men free from slavery that have been fighting in the Civil War. the idea that Flynn wants to get Boothe to kill more people than just Abraham Lincoln means that the impact on history will be significantly different. with the character of Lucy still dealing with the aftermath of her sister being erased from time as well.

I will review the next episode: Atomic City soon.

Till then

Emz x


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