TV Review: Black Lightning Series 1 Episode 2 "Lawanda: The Book of Hope" [Emz]

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

So here we are with episode 2. This episode is called "Lawanda: Book Of Hope."

This episode picks up not too long after the first episode.

Here is the synopsis:
IS HE BACK? — As the community struggles with the violence surrounding them, a glimmer of hope appears: Is Black Lightning back? Lynn Stewart, noticing the changes in the community, is also left wondering. While Jefferson Pierce struggles with his decision, Gambi urges him to take up the mantle once more and return to life as Black Lightning. Anissa and Jennifer try to deal with the aftermath of their jolting experience.


This episode keeps the recurring themes of Gang Violence, drugs and alcohol. There is also the theme of sexuality as we delve a little deeper into Jefferson's daughters love lives.

Gang violence is shown in quite a but of this episode.
Following the last episode, Jennifer stays at home and gets threatened by a young child that has been sent by Lala. This scares not only Jennifer but also Jefferson and sparks him into going to see Lala, but as himself, not Black Lightning.

We meet Lawanda who is the mother of a missing person who was a former student at the High School. She is asking the question that is on many peoples lips, why did Black Lightning save his children only? She ends up becoming a bit of a Vigilante in order to save her daughter. This results in Lala killing her.

The themes of alcohol are recurring as the pressure of having to act 'perfect' being the Principal's daughter constantly leads Jennifer to act out and drink.

The theme of Sexuality is explored through the love lives of Jefferson's daughters. I mean Jefferson's love life is clearly complicated with his ex-wife but we don't really know much about his daughters. We discover that Anissa has a long term girlfriend and that her parents are aware of her sexuality. Also Jennifer starts a relationship with her friend Khalil.

The death of Lawanda eventually leads Jefferson to become Black Lightning again after feeling guilty for her death as he feels he could have helped.

I think this series grows with each episode and there is more to uncover.

Till next time

Emz x


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