TV Review: Black Lightning Series 1 Episode 3 "LaWanda: The Book of Burial" [Emz]

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

On to episode 3 of Black Lightning.

This episode picks up not too long after episode 2 and we begin with the funeral of Lawanda White.

Here is the synopsis:
HOLDING OUT HOPE — As Jefferson Pierce tries to determine if the community can survive without the help of Black Lightning, Anissa starts to come into her own. Meanwhile, Jefferson and Lynn try and figure out their new dynamic. Finally, Jennifer reveals to her parents that she has been grappling with something big.


The theme of Gang violence is a strong theme throughout this series and continues once again in this episode. Sex is also a theme of this episode.

Following the death of Lawanda White, a march is planned, which Jefferson is against. But both of his girls and his ex-wife plan on attending.

The theme of Sex comes into this episode. Jennifer discusses having sex with her boyfriend and proceeds to inform her parents that she will be having sex with her at the weekend.

Anissa is looking into what is happening to her, she records herself testing out her strength at the city dump. for the reason she is suddenly bulletproof and super-strong. She then meets Grace at the library and gets invited to a costume party. During the costume party he is accused on cheating by her girlfriend. We later learn that she broke up with her.

During the March which, Lyn, Anissa, Jennifer and Khalil attend, Jefferson as Black Lightning stops a shooter, but whilst protecting them, Tobias and his associate, try another attempt. They manage to shoot the Pastor and the bullet goes straight through and hits Khalil.

I enjoyed seeing Anissa testing out her powers but found it emotional seeing Jennifer getting upset over Khalil.

Till next time

Emz x


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