TV Review: Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 1 "On Infernal Ground" [Emz]

Friday, 30 March 2018

So,, the latest Season on Shadowhunters has begun on Freeform (America) and Netflix (UK). This series will be based roughly on the 4th book (City Of Fallen Angels) and possibly the 5th book (City Of Lost Souls).

Here is the Synopsis:
Secrets abound as the Shadowhunters and Downworlders attempt to return to normal following Valentine's death; Clary struggles with keeping her secret about Raziel's wish; Lilith sets a plan in motion as Simon spends time in the Seelie Court.

Brief Explanation of The Episode

This episode kicks off a little while after the Death of Valentine and Cary using the Angel Raziel to bring Jace back to life (unbeknownst to everyone else.) We start with Cary officially becoming a Shadowhunter after ridding the world of Valentine.

Alec is, of course, suspicious following the disappearance and reappearance of his Parabatai rune. Clary tells Jace she wants to tell him what is going on, but Jace says they can't

Luke's Police Partner Ollie finds out about the Shadow world after figuring out that he is a Werewolf and pushes Luke until he stops denying and admits it.

Simon is being held in the Seelie Court and is very confused as to why. Eventually after being pushed she lets him go but only after working him... without telling him what it's all about.

Clary finds her signature Weapon, Double blades she later learns from Luke that the Blades belonged to her mother and father.

We meet Lilith (but not yet by name) who through Possession control a man to kill his wife and then whilst, being searched for by the Shadowhunters after Luke noticing that it was no ordinary murder, Ollie (Luke's Police Partner) tries to arrest him and is knocked out Luke tries to attack also but is knocked away also. The demon climbs out of the human and attacks Clary she is eventually able to kill it using her Anglic Rune, of course, Luke chirps up mentioning that perhaps the blades are not her signature weapons.

Alec learns that Magnus is no longer the High Warlock of Brooklyn following his alliance with the Seelies that fell apart.

Jace is having nightmares of Jonathan trying to kill Clary or telling Jace to kill her. 


This was a brilliant return for this series, I have been so excited everytime that it gets renewed for another series after the failed movie.

I enjoyed seeing Clary being.. I think the right phrase is 'Badass' during her fight with the demon.

I also laughed at Isabelle's frustration with the Vending Machine and the flirting with a Doctor who helped her get the candy out of the Machine.

After knowing what happens in the books with Jace after his resurrection, I am intrigued to see if Jonathan is in his nightmares or if there is more to it.

Finally, I believe that we haven't seen the last of Lilith, what happened in this episode was just the tip of the iceberg.

I can't wait for the next episode.

Till next time

Emz x


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