TV Review: 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 4 "Atari" [Emz]

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

So it's episode 4"Atari" and it seems in this episode Cole's past is catching up with him. Yes, we learn more about Cole's life before time travel.

Here is the synopsis:
A fight for the future ensues when a dangerous band of marauders hunting for Cole and Ramse threatens the mission to save the past.


So in this episode, we learn more about Cole and his life before time travel. At the end of the last episode we meet Max, who seems to have big ties to his past.

Max is a part of the group, West VIII. We learn that whilst trying to survive, Coel and Ramse join West VIII, they were quite a brutal group. Obviously we know they escaped at some point, but in the present for Cole, they try to hold them off getting into the building, with not much success. 

Cole is transported back a few days instead of 2015 which is the attempt. but ends up being the reason behind the invasion to begin with.

He get kidnapped by West VIII, but freed by Max, who joins the cause and they stop the takeover but the leader of West VIII sees the Machine and now has some knowledge of what is going on there.

I enjoy seeing all the twists this story is producing and the way the story flicks between 2015 and 2043 (also the occasional time travel back to other years.)

I am looking forward to seeing what is to come.

Till next time

Emz x


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