TV Review: Timeless Season 1 Episode 5 "The Alamo" [Emz]

Thursday, 12 October 2017

So here we are with episode 5 "The Alamo." This episode originally aired on the 31st October 2016.

Here is the synopsis for this episode:
Flynn returns to the pivotal event in the war over Texas, and the team finds itself stranded inside the Alamo, with no hope of being rescued.


So this was an interesting one. Being British I know next to nothing about The Alamo but I have heard the name before. So this episode is set 1836 and It is supposed to be Wyatt's last mission due to the fact that he hasn't been able to kill Flynn. 

Heading into The Alamo was easy enough, but getting out is the hard part. Flynn's plan was to get the Mexican army to attack the Alamo three days earlier than originally planned. William B. Travis is killed by Flynn before he can write his Victory or Death letter, so Lucy has to create one. 

They meet James Bowie and Davy Crockett in the process of saving history. 

At the end of the episode, Lucy and Rufus prevent Wyatt from being fired and Lucy makes peace with her mother, who gives her the name of her father.

I really enjoyed this episode. Irt was a little amusing when Wyatt broke character and wouldn't play along with Lucy's story. But being in a war zone clearly affected Wyatt and he ended up spilling his backstory of his time in the army and how he survived in a brief way to James Bowie.

Till next time

Emz x


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