TV Review: The Flash Season 3 Episode 7 "Killer Frost" [Emz]
Friday, 20 October 2017
Now this episode was definitely the start of an interesting character arc. The episodes from the beginning of this season have been leading up to this and we had glimpses of this happening from previous seasons when we met their Earth-2 counterpart.
I am of course talking about Caitlin Snow becoming Killer Frost.
Here is the Synopsis:
Caitlin's inner Killer Frost is unleashed after she uses her powers to save Barry; on a rampage, Killer Frost goes looking for Dr. Alchemy, kidnaps Julian and battles both The Flash and Vibe; Joe and H.R. have an honest discussion.
Blimey this episode really kicked this season up a notch. Last episode we had the revealing of the main villain Savitar and we saw Wally become encased in a cocoon.
So how does Caitlin become killer Frost you ask? Well we see Savitar kidnap Barry (The Flash) and seemingly teleport him all over the city, once they arrive at a nearby destination Iris asks Caitlin to help stop Savitar from killing Barry by using her powers, (she informed the team about them last episode) Caitlin was unsure but she helped him anyway.
This is what caused her to lose control over her powers. she manipulates Joe in to thinking that Wally was awake so she could gather information on Doctor Alchemy, what for we don't know in the beginning.
She abducts Julian to help her search for Doctor Alchemy and she inadvertently reveals that she wants to get rid of her powers. Of course she learns from a follower that Alchemy would not get rid of her powers and that Savitar would have plans for her.
After a battle with Cisco and The Flash, Caitlin is eventually captured. During this time we see Joe and H.R. break open the Cocoon that Wally is in and he hasn't yet completely bonded with his powers. Barry tries to convince Caitlin to help them by giving her the freedom she wants, but only if she kills him. Unable to do this Caitlin rejoins the team and creates a serum which will help Wally stabilize his powers.
Following this Julian blackmails Barry to quit his job else he will tell the Police about Caitlin.
This definitely was quite an episode, there was so much going on but it all interlinked at some point or another.
I really enjoyed Danielle Panabaker's portrayal of Killer Frost/ Caitlin Snow and look forward to what's to come.
Till next time
Emz x
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