TV Review: The Gifted Season 1 Episode 2 "rX" [Emz]

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

So it took me a while to watch the second episode due to being busy, but I finally managed it.

Here is the Synopsis:
After exerting her powers beyond their limits, Blink goes into a state of shock, forcing Caitlin and Eclipse to go on a mission to find a special serum that will help her to recover. Meanwhile, Reed faces some difficult choices when it comes to helping his family, and Polaris runs into some trouble.

This episode was really good. There are alot of things happening at once and alot of secrets yet to be mentioned.

We start with a direct continuation from the first episode with Blink (Clarice) collapses and Reed is left on the other side.

After a few arguements the kids realize that they cannot currently go back for their dad and along with htier mum decide to help Clarice. 

During his time Clarice keeps opening portals in the same place and Lauren (Reed's daughter) is able to close them. She decides to stay with the team to help close the portals whilst her mother and Marcos (Eclipse) go to fnd medication to help her awaken from her Coma.

Of course, Reed gets picked up by the Police and interrogated. other family members are interrogated also.

Thing were not going so well for Polaris in Prison, with each time she used her powers she was electrocuted.

This episode kept me on the edge of my seat, not knowing when the next portal kept opening and as each portal opened in the same place each time, the Police appeared and eventually so did SWAT.

I look forward to the next episode.

Emz x


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